We had to draw 2 of each: Our Drinks, Trees, and Ourselves! I like some of what I breathed into existence in this drawing exercise, but it was a bit frustrating. When it comes to art, I tend to become a perfectionist, and all of this was time consuming. Long story short, I may not do this again.
Drink#1: An Energy Drink! Here, I try to show how I feel when I take in Caffeine–whether from an energy drink or coffee. I feel elated at times after taking it, and I often become emotional, thus, helping me cry. I’m basically taken above what I usually feel, and I love that.
Drink#2: My Morning Cup. This is what I actually take in almost on a morning basis.
Of course, repetition is key to mastering something. With 100 to 1000 hours of commitment to drawing, I would have better results on drawing what I had in mind rather than poor planning. I did all of this in one take! Though I am happy with my results, extra practice may have given me better results that show what I was actually thinking.
Tree#1: This Nectarine Tree. It’s in my front yard, and it’s quite a sad tree. The leaves are droopy and I’ve hardly seen some fruitful results. Plus, I oddly prefer Peaches! Not Nectarines. Nonetheless, the nectarines do taste better than in the store.
Tree#2: A Guava tree. It’s also in the front yard, but this one is a contrast to the Nectarine! It’s extremely fruitful, but they are well hidden. It seems to show its branches confidently and does not seem to be plagued by webs.
I major in Nutrition and Dietetics. That involves anatomy, some chemistry, statistics, and human biological health. Drawing can be integral where we need to:
sketch some parts of the body.
draw certain images that encourage people to eat in a certain way along with exercise motivation. I see a lot of fitness pages on Instagram use them (along with photos) to advise how to generally approach food.
We also may need to visualize certain processes that happen in the body along with chemical formulas of nutrients and from cellular metabolism.
sketch and visualize some trends in health studies.
Person#1:My Drink. This particular drawing was done using Contour. It’s a technique or a way of drawing where you follow the edges of the object, and the tool used to draw copies where the eyes are following. It’s something where it’s recommended to not look at the paper. I tried, and I made mistakes on the bottom part of the cup, but I have to say that the lid came out amazing! I decided to go ahead and color it in. I also like taking supplements in a drink form such as this one. It’s a night time powder that includes chamomile, lavender, melatonin, and reishi. The taste of this purple hued drink is floral, elegant, and delicious. It makes me yawn!
Person#2:Me. I sketched the pose and clothing well, but of course I made the accident of drawing an idealized face. I wanted to emphasize the shape of my eyes, but they were drawn too big. My hair wouldn’t be this calm and collected. It tends to puff and frizz! Still, I tried correcting it. I just realized that the proportions of the shoulders to head is way off. Yes, this is what I wore on the day I drew this. I like to stay sharp despite quarantine.
Obviously, drawing is a language. With the right techniques, a person can portray a sense. It may not always be outright, but something subtle that says something about the big picture. Like what I did for my energy drink drawing, I featured someone blasting through the clouds. It was my way of saying that my moods become a lot more defined than at ground level. The color of the blast trail has some blue and red, trying to say that it also accelerates my response to cry about something sad besides being happy upon consuming caffeine.
Drawing is in comics, political cartoons, animation, and much more!